For information and to access the Camp Focal Point application, please leave us a message on the contact page. We would love to send you more information about Camp Focal Point. Thank you for your interest.

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Focal Point: the point at which all elements or aspects converge;

center of activity or attention

CAMP FOCAL POINT: A one week summer camp dedicated to training young people on the latest film industry standard tools and to creating and producing meaningful films reflecting their stories and how they intertwine with God’s story.

Camp Motto: Stay Focused!

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IMPACT: forceful contact; collision

IMPACT Productions: Producing films, documentaries, podcasts and interviews to encourage discussions that are relevant and inspirational. Film is a powerful tool for helping individuals relate to others and the human condition. They can evoke strong emotional responses that can lead to authentic and open conversations. Each film project will demonstrate God’s love and our calling to serve and love others.

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Ignite: To set on fire

IGNITE Outreach:  Presentations and discussions empowering youth and adults for godly living. The RPM Team will visit your community, school, church, or neighborhood to share a message of inspiration, hope and faith. Feel free to ask us about coming to present to your group in the contact page.